Bobbi Allan

Bobbi is a Buddhist teacher in the Insight tradition. She has practiced meditation for over 30 years and began teaching in 1999 when she developed Stillness in Action Retreats with Simon Clough and others. She has a long involvement with social and environmental organisations and was a founding member and facilitator of the Heart Politics Conferences and the Social Change Training & Resource Centre. She has a professional background in training and development.Bobbi’s current work is Mindfulness in Education – – teaching mindfulness to school teachers and training them to introduce mindfulness practices into their                                                             classrooms.


Emma Pittaway

Emma Pittaway

Emma has been practising Buddhism for 12 years, and has recently returned from a year’s Buddhist study and retreat in India and Asia . She has a passion for community-building and sustainability, and has lived on intentional communities in Australia and overseas. She has worked with grassroots organisations on a range of social and environmental issues and has been running Joanna Macy inspired retreats since 2005. She currently lives in Sydney , teaches community development at the University of New South Wales and works for a refugee organisation.

Claire Dunn

Claire Wren Dunn

Wren is a writer currently working on a book about a year she spent on retreat in the bush, learning indigenous survival skills. Wren worked for many years as an environmental campaigner with organisations such as The Wilderness Society. Her passion is in facilitating connection – within ourselves, within wild nature, and within our relationships and communities. She is currently based in Sydney studying a Graduate Diploma of Psychology.


Olivia Bernardini

Olivia Bernardini

Olivia Bernardini is a social ecologist, community activist and environmental educator. She works with Bellingen EYE (Environmental Youth Experience), facilitating nature awareness camps for young people and coordinating a community garden project at the local High school dealing with all the problems like please write my essay today or how can I make my life more eco-friendly? She is a founding member of Transition Bellingen. She is also a Yoga teacher and has trained in movement awareness techniques and Insight meditation


Skye Etherington

Skye lives in the Bega valley on the far south coast. She is passionate about social change, trees and talking with the wallabies that live around her home. She is a director in a bulk wholefoods cooperative, and also works with children doing a programme called Extra Lesson which helps to switch on the brain for learning. Skye trained with Joanna Macy back in the 90′s and has offered deep ecology experiences in her community since that time.

Our teacher, Joanna Macy

Bobbi , Emma and Claire have trained with Joanna Macy. Through her scholarship and four decades of activism, she has created a ground-breaking theoretical framework for a new paradigm of personal and social change. The facilitators draw on Joanna’s material as the basis of the afternoon work seeĀ